73 Undeniable Truths of Business Ownership

The longer I'm in business, the more convinced I am that certain truths exist when it comes to leading a business.  What follows is a list of the Undeniable Business Truths:

  1. Starting, growing, and building a business is part of “subduing the earth” Genesis 2.18
  2. God calls some to own businesses.
  3. Your business is an entrustment from the Lord, to be used for His glory and the benefit of His kingdom.
  4. A violation of God’s commandments in business or life will harm your business.
  5. Your profits belong to God.
  6. The more you integrate your faith into your business, the more Satan will oppose you.
  7. The truth is never the problem
  8. Profits are good.
  9. Your business must be profitable.
  10. Success depends more on character than skill or strategy.
  11. Failure is not doing the things you know you should have done.
  12. You and God are the only two who will know if you were successful.
  13. You cannot part-time your way into success.
  14. Never try to be better than someone else, and never case to try to be the best you should be.
  15. You will need to execute better than anyone else in your organization if you are to be successful.
  16. Business success never endures.
  17. Business failure need not be fatal.
  18. Success is the peace of mind of knowing you did the best you could to fulfill your potential.
  19. Culture trumps strategy.
  20. Incivility will kill your culture.
  21. Blame is the parking break for improvement.
  22. The immature character asks life to meet his demands.  The mature character meets the demands of life.
  23. Someone must be clearly in charge.
  24. What gets measured is what gets done.
  25. Someone must be responsible for revenue.
  26. There are only three ways you will leave your business: die, liquidate, or sell.
  27. If you don’t know where you are going, then any road will get you there.
  28. You will make more money working “on” your business than “in” your business.
  29. The best leaders know how to submit to authority.
  30. Rarely will employees tell you the full, unvarnished truth.
  31. If you don’t find a way to disconnect from your business from time to time, it will consume you.
  32. What you say and do will be scrutinized beyond anyone else in the organization.
  33. A business is not a democracy.
  34. You will be misunderstood, misrepresented, and misinterpreted.
  35. You will take risks on a regular basis.
  36. Hiring the wrong person for the right job is worse than not hiring anyone at all.
  37. Reality is your friend because everything else is fantasy.
  38. Employees will rarely work harder than you.
  39. Servant-Leadership doesn’t work when the one being led doesn't want to be led.
  40. Few people, if any, will encourage you in your role as a business owner.​
  41. There is no substitute for effective leadership.
  42. Strong moral character and strong leadership are two different things.
  43. Profits come as conflict is resolved.
  44. You can’t get any traction without some friction.
  45. You have the problems you tolerate.
  46. Hire Character. Train Skill.​
  47. Every person in your organization needs to be managed.
  48. People support what they help create.
  49. People don’t leave a business, they leave a manager.
  50. Some endings are necessary.
  51. Help employees hone what they can control, don’t blame them for what they cannot control.
  52. Never use fear to motivate others to excellence.
  53. Every person in your business has a profound responsibility to everyone else.
  54. Give your employees the treatment they earn and deserve.
  55. The worst thing you can do for your employees is to do the things they can and should do for themselves.
  56. Every role is equally important
  57. Habits are formed through consistent repetition.
  58. Details matter.
  59. You must always be concerned about finding the best way, not your own way.
  60. Employees must know they are working with you, not for you.
  61. Executing processes well is a competitive advantage.
  62. Much activity does not equal much achievement.
  63. You are not a victim.
  64. Unresolved conflict leaves opportunities for success on the table.
  65. Succession to the next generation of leaders is your most important duty over the entire life of your ownership.
  66. In order to leave your business, you must have something equal or greater in purpose than your business.
  67. Your business belongs to God. When he tells you its time to leave, then leave.
  68. Be tough on issues, softer on people.
  69. Agreement doesn't equate to commitment.
  70. If you don't know, ask.
  71. If you don't know how, ask.
  72. If it isn't written down, it didn't happen.
  73. If it's too good to be true, it probably is.

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