Have no Fear of Sudden Disaster

Proverbs 3.25-26 (NIV) says this:

Have no fear of sudden disaster, or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked,for the Lord will be at your side and will keep your foot from being snared

One of the main reasons we purchase insurance is to share the risks our businesses face with others in a similar situation.  Insurance companies coalesce those risks into a risk pool with many businesses participating in the pool. Those who experience a covered event find their risk is mitigated through compensation from the insurance company.

Sudden disaster – the fear of something bad happening suddenly – is a common reason to buy insurance.  Especially in our litigious society, a sudden disaster can be compounded with a legal nightmare that might last for years.

It is wise to purchase adequate insurance in today’s world. But from an emotional perspective, the Bible tells us to have no fear of sudden disaster. Your trust should be in the Lord, not in your insurance.

So buy insurance? Yes.  But trust in the Lord more because He will be “at your side” and will keep you from “being snared”. Strong promises to stand on as we steward our businesses in an increasingly unstable and litigious society.

Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business


The Theological Context for Business Ownership, Presence, Part 5 of 7


Business Owner’s Need for Reflection