Is There a "Christian" Way to Fire an Employee?
I’ve yet to meet anyone who likes terminating employees. It’s never fun, never easy and never routine.
I’ll also answer this question directly: No, there isn’t a “Christian” way to fire an employee. However, there are better and worse ways to terminate employees – ways which will impact your Christian witness in the marketplace.
I’ve met a number of well-meaning Christians in business who can’t bring themselves to fire employees who obviously need to transition to another job. Somehow, they think that firing an employee is somehow un-Christian. They dread “the talk”. They keep giving their employee “one more chance” in the hope that the employee will suddenly become super-productive or get a better attitude or <insert_need_here>. They also minimize the problems an under-performing employee brings to their business. “It’s not really that bad” they rationalize, not realizing their own leadership integrity is being evaluated by the other employees.
Christian Business Owners need to learn to fire well. Here are some tips when it comes to terminating employment with one of your employees.
I thought this was a Christian Company! You can’t Fire Me!
In all honesty, I don’t know what a “Christian Company” is and secondly, you have a stewardship responsibility to manage your business to its’ fullest potential. You can’t do this with employees who don’t perform well or have a bad attitude.
First tip: don’t buy into the notion that a Christian Company never fires employees
Can’t You Just Forgive Me and Forget about it?
Forgiveness is used when someone has wronged you. It is not used as a management technique to sweep poor performance under the rug.
Second tip: Forgiveness is not a substitute for terminating and employee.
God Gives us all Second Chances – Can’t You Give Me a Second Chance?
Yes, it is true that God gives us all second (and third and fourth and fifth and….) chances, but this person’s second chance doesn’t need to come on your dime. If you have appropriately coached and trained this employee and s/he hasn’t improved his/her performance, then, in essence, you’ve already give him/her a second chance.
Third tip: While God gives us 2nd chances, we’re not required to do so with our employees.
Know the Law
~52% of all legal actions against small business owners are employment related. Find a good employment attorney and follow his/her advice. Paying for a good attorney will save you money in the long run. Like it or not, Federal and State laws and regulations are tilted toward the employee. So know your boundaries and what you can and cannot do as an employer.
Four tip: Know the law and retain a good employment attorney
Keep the Termination Meeting Short and To-The-Point
Simply inform your employee as to their termination. If it is for cause, inform him/her why s/he is being terminated. Do not get into a discussion about who is wrong, what was said in the past and so forth. Keep the conversation in the present and keep it brief. You’re terminating your employee, not negotiating with him/her. And make sure you have a 2nd party in the meeting to act as a witness in case there are legal proceedings after the termination occurs.
Fifth tip: Keep the termination meeting short and don’t get into a long discussion about the past or who’s right or wrong.
If Possible, Help Your Employee Transition Well
Think about buying an outplacement service for your employee. Look into a severance – if you can afford it. Consider writing a letter of recommendation if it fits the situation. If the employee you’re terminating did their best and was simply a bad fit for the job, then you bear part of the blame because you made a bad hire. In these situations, helping your employee transition well is the Godly thing to do.
Sixth tip: Help your employee transition well, if possible.
While terminating employees is difficult, it is also a necessary part of owning a business. Christian business owners are not immune from terminating employees. If you’re a Christian Business Owner who is in need of terminating employment with one of your employees, I hope these tips will help you as you face into the negative task of firing an employee.
Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business