Predictions on the COVID-19 Situation

As remasking to protect against COVID-19 is being recommended by the CDC, I thought this might be a good time to share some thoughts for Christian business owners to consider.First, it is just a matter of time before nearly all employers, associations, non-profits and so forth require their employees to be COVID vaccinated. Protecting employees, customers, partners, vendors, and other stakeholders will become an expected standard through proof of vaccinations will become standard operating procedure for employers. I give this less than a year to be fully adopted. However, asking employers to be enforcers of proof of vaccination is not a good thing. See my next point.Secondly, there will be an emerging industry that helps Americans track their vaccination records and provide proof to employers and vendors. It will likely become common for restaurants and others to ask for proof of vaccination before serving you – but being able to provide that proof via an app seems to me to be the least intrusive way to do this. Will retain establishments then need to keep track of that information to defend against suits down the road? Probably. This could get difficult and complicated.Thirdly, because vaccination records are medical records, all employers will need to become HIPAA proficient and compliant in how they manage these records.Fourthly, the flu shot and other vaccinations likely will be required as well. If schools can require a minimum matrix of vaccinations before a students can attend, then employers will likely follow suit. Allina is doing this. Others will follow suit.Fifthly, I think masks are here to stay for direct care providers in all health care settings.Sixth, We are continuing to become a risk-adverse culture, and most Americans will be willing to give up some of their freedoms in exchange for safety. When faced with a direct choice, most Americans will choose safety over freedom. This gives room and implicit permission for our government to grow both in scope and size.Seventh, the virus is going to be with us forever. We're going to need to learn how to live with it. We need to settle on what an "acceptable risk" is. In the long run, everyone will either be vaccination or will contract the virus. One of those will happen to ever person world-wide.Eighth, from a Christian viewpoint, getting vaccinated is a "love your neighbor" effort and a "protect yourself" effort so that we can be more effective at reaching others for Christ. I view vaccinations more as a public health and a "love your neighbor" issue than a personal rights/personal freedom issue.Lastly, all this hubbub will be inflationary. There will be more and more cycles added to the cost of providing employment to individuals and those costs will be passed onto the customers in the form of higher prices.Bill English, PublisherBible and Business


Should You Require Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment?


Business Ownership and Philanthropy