Prospering in Proverbs
We all want to be prosperous. In America, this is equated with financial success and wealth.
But the Bible has a different notion of what prosperity is and isn't. So, I thought I'd look at what Solomon, through his proverbs, says we need to do if we’re going to prosper. Let’s take a look first by noting the verses in Proverbs which speak to prospering.
The first Hebrew word is דשׁן, to become fat, refresh, fertility, abundance. This word is used four times in Proverbs (all references are NIV):
- 11.25: a generous person will prosper
- 13.4: the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied
- 15.30: good news gives health to the bones
- 28.25: those who trust in the Lord will prosper.
The English word prosperity in 3.2 is a translation for the Hebrew word שָׁל֗וֹם, peace, prosperity, success: those who keep God’s commandments will have a long life and will prosper.
In 8.18, we read that with God are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity, which is a translation of the Hebrew word צְדָקָה, righteousness, an adherence to what is required according to a standard. It is interesting to note that the translators took the common word for righteousness and justice and translated it as prosperity.
11.10 says that a city rejoices when the righteous prosper, which is a translation of טוּב, best things, prosperity, well-being, the condition of prospering in life. This same word is used in 16.20: “whoever gives heed to instruction prospers” and in 19.8, a person who cherishes understanding will soon prosper (טוּב).
We learn that the Hebrew concept of prosperity includes peace, success, righteousness, well-being, acquiring wisdom and trusting in God. This type of life comes to those who:
- Are generous
- Diligent
- Place their trust in God
- Careful to keep God’s commandments
- Give heed to God’s instructions
- Cherish understanding and wisdom
Those who do not prosper are those who:
- Have a corrupt heart (17.20)
- Conceal their sin (28.13)
- Greedy (28.25)
If you want to prosper – which is not the same as becoming wealthy – then become generous, work hard, trust God, follow His commandments and seek to learn wisdom and understanding.
Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business