US Adults Giving Patterns show Christian Church Still Number One
If you wonder where US adults give their money, the Barna Group has answered this question. In a survey of 2,016 adults in 2021, Barna found that US adults give to the following causes and institutions, as follows:
- Christian Church - 19%
- Animal Welfare - 12%
- Extreme poverty - 10%
- Christian ministry - 10%
- Medical research - 10%
- Global climate change - 9%
- Environmental issues - 9%
- Racial justice - 8%
- Sexual abuse causes - 8%
- Mental health issues - 8%
Two surprises jump out from the conventional wisdom. First, the Christian church remains the number one institution to which people give. Secondly, you don't see political parties on this list, meaning that the larger donations go to individual causes rather than directly to political parties.
Learn more by purchasing their digital reports that form the Generosity series.