Who Will Answer? Only Jesus Christ.
With the conflict going on in Europe and a very real possibility of WWIII, I find the lyrics and the core question posted by Ed Ames in 1967 to be just as relevant today as it was 55 years ago.
Our political and business problems will *not* be solved by our politicians in either political party. They will only be solved when Christians – those who claim to be disciples of Jesus Christ – faithfully practice 2 Chronicles 7.14.
Here are the lyrics from Ed Ames:
From the canyons of the mind We wander on and stumble blindly Through the often tangled maze
Of starless nights and sunless days, While asking for some kind of clue or road to lead us to the truth
But who will answer?
Side by side two people stand Together vowing, hand in hand That love`s imbedded in their hearts
But soon an empty feeling starts To overwhelm their hollow lives And when we seek the hows and whys
Who will answer?
On a strange and distant hill A young man`s lying very still His arms will never hold his child
Because a bullet running wild Has cut him down And now we cry, Dear God Oh,why, oh, why
But who will answer?
High upon a lonely ledge A figure teeters near the edge And jeering crowds collect below
To egg him on with, go, man, go But who will ask what led him To his private day of doom
And who will answer?
In the rooms of dark and shades The scent of sandalwood pervades The colored thoughts in muddled heads
Reclining in rumpled beds of Unmade dreams that can`t come true And when we ask what we should do
Who, who will answer?
Neath the spreading mushroom tree The world revolves in apathy As overhead, a row of specks
Roars on, drowned out by discotheques And if a secret button`s pressed Because one man has been outguessed
Who will answer?
Is our hope in walnut shells Worn round the neck with temple bells Or deep within some cloistered walls
Where hooded figures pray in halls Or crumbled books on dusty shelves Or in our stars, or in ourselves
Who will answer?
If the soul is darkened By a fear it cannot name If the mind is baffled when The rules don`t fit the game
Who will answer? Who will answer? Who will answer?
Only Jesus Christ is the answer. Will you give him your life today? I hope so.