Bible Business 94 Enabling Employee Productivity and Respecting Your Manager
Excited happy business team of employees or partners group giving high five during meeting celebrating corporate success, promising support, engagement and loyalty, good relations, unity concept
Bible and Business
Bible and Business
Bible Business 94 Enabling Employee Productivity and Respecting Your Manager

Aired on November 18, 2020 on Faith Radio with Carmen Leberge, Bill English discusses ways to keep employees engaged and productive during COVID. Here are the talking points for this spot:

  1. With the rise in COVID cases, what can business owners/leaders/managers do to protect their staff and yet keep up productivity
    1. Use technology – provide Zoom or Teams or WebEx accounts to your employees
    2. Create “birds of a feather” groups to help alleviate loneliness
    3. Maybe provide virtual dinner out for your team, department or company – have pizza, Jimmy Johns or some type of Deal Dash delivered to your employee’s homes
    4. Educate them on unemployment if they cannot work
    5. Perhaps give them a bonus just to help them out – even $200 or $500 would be meaningful – perhaps a $100 Visa card
    6. Protecting staff and their jobs” also means
      1. Ensure your supply chain is reliable
      2. Shorten the time from “cash to cash” – once there is an outlay of cash, how fast can you turn that expenditure into a revenue generating action?  Pay more attention to this than your profit/loss right now
      3. Renegotiate leases to get some free months now in exchange for extending the lease further
      4. Remember – You should be deferring employer portion of payroll taxes through the end of this year – 50% paid in 2021, 50% in 2022.
  2. Talk about the relationship that Paul creates in 1 Timothy 6.1-2 between having full respect for God’s Word and His Name and one’s manager at work.  I’m preaching on this a week from Sunday and have never seen this until now.

1 Timothy 6.1-2

“All who are under the yoke of slavery should consider their masters worthy of full respect, so that God’s name and our teaching may not be slandered. 2 Those who have believing masters should not show them disrespect just because they are fellow believers. Instead, they should serve them even better because their masters are dear to them as fellow believers and are devoted to the welfare of their slaves.”

Main points:

  1. Modern day corollary to master/slave is employer/employee
  2. “consider your manager worthy of full respect” – even if s/he lacks in quality of character or purity of life – we give full respect so that….
  3. God’s name and His Word will not be slandered (taking something sacred and using it in a way that degrades its’ worth)
  4. How we treat our managers reveals to ourselves and others how much we value and respect the name of Christ and the Bible.
  5. Principle: We give our managers full respect because we first respect God’s name and His word

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