Hearing the Voice of God in Ethical Decision Making

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.  Ethical decision-making is not merely an intellectual exercise for the Christian business owner. It is also a dynamic spiritual activity. Coupled with filtering the situation’s details through the two great commands (love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself) as the starting...
Overworking Your Staff to Save on Payroll Expenses

Overworking Your Staff to Save on Payroll Expenses

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.  In this scenario, an owner expects the employees to work sixty, seventy, or even eighty hours each week without additional compensation, such as bonuses or stock options, for working longer hours. Description of the Problem: Some owners naturally work sixty or seventy hours weekly. They enjoy their work, and they...
Manipulating Accounting Entries to Save on Taxes

Manipulating Accounting Entries to Save on Taxes

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.  This ethical situation is created when the owner commingles business and personal expenses. As a result, expenses that would normally be personal expenses, such as leasing an automobile, become business expenses that reduce taxable income because the owner owns a business through which the owner can create tax write-offs. Description...
Tolerating Boorish Behavior Because of the Benefits an Employee Brings to the Company.

Tolerating Boorish Behavior Because of the Benefits an Employee Brings to the Company.

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.  Description of the problem: Some organisations, including Christian ministries, make conscious tradeoff decisions to accept a level of egocentricity, arrogance, callousness, or insensitivity in key employees because of the talents, skills, and positive outcomes these employees bring to the organization. Their destructive tendencies can be mistaken as leadership qualities: “Taking...
Generating fake online reviews for the owner’s products or service

Generating fake online reviews for the owner’s products or service

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners. Word-of-mouth advertising has always been considered the best kind of advertising because it costs nothing and is one of the most trusted forms of marketing (Tan, 2015:Online). Description of the problem: In this scenario, the owner hires a firm to write positive but fake reviews of the owner’s products or...