The Foundation of Stewardship

The Foundation of Stewardship

Watch the sermon video here. Good morning. We’re in the 2nd Sunday of a four-part series focusing on stewardship and generosity. The overriding theme we’re working with in this series is this: Disciples of Jesus Christ are faithful to God in stewarding all that He owns by disadvantaging themselves in order to advantage His kingdom. Last week, we considered the Context of Stewardship. We learned that our...
Sufferings are an Entrustment

Sufferings are an Entrustment

I recently had a conversation with a rather talented developer in the SharePoint space. For the last 10 years, she's been working on her own as a contractor through various consulting companies. Her work is steady and she is fairly compensated. Customers like her and she likes them. But inside her is this growing swirl about how much the consulting companies charge the customer and how much...