The Emotional Price Business Owners Pay When Their Business is Failing

The companion podcast is here.The companion videocast is here.The companion PDF slides are here. No one said building a company is easy. But small business owners find it difficult to be honest about how brutal it really can be and the emotional price so many of them secretly pay. At one time or another most small business owners will find themselves on the brink of financial ruin....

Tenaciously Committed or Foolishly Stubborn

Commitment and Stubbornness look rather similar on the surface. Commitment happens when you have a sense of dedication or loyalty to a cause, activity or person. Stubborness is more of a dogged determination not to change your attitude or position in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. Commitment is not the same as stubbornness. Commitment requires tenacity to see something through. Stubbornness can often...