Right-sizing a company to save it from bankruptcy

Right-sizing a company to save it from bankruptcy

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners. Nearly every company will need to be right-sized[1] at some point in its lifecycle. No business ever has sustained growth. There are always downturns which owners face. Description of the Problem: Owners get caught in a downward spiral when they believe revenue growth is the answer to a sustained deficit....


In business, from time to time you’ll hear the word turnaround, as in “this business is a turnaround.” You might be wondering what a turnaround is and why they take professional help to be successful. If so, you’re not alone. In this post I’ll discuss turnarounds and the things you need to know do avoid one in your own business. What is a “Turnaround”? I define a turnaround...

The Emotional Price Business Owners Pay When Their Business is Failing

The companion podcast is here.The companion videocast is here.The companion PDF slides are here. No one said building a company is easy. But small business owners find it difficult to be honest about how brutal it really can be and the emotional price so many of them secretly pay. At one time or another most small business owners will find themselves on the brink of financial ruin....
Twelve Warning Signs Your Business is Headed for Disaster

Twelve Warning Signs Your Business is Headed for Disaster

Most entrepreneurs have several characteristics – among the more prominent is a level of confidence – some would say arrogance – that enables them to believe they can beat the odds when taking a risk and win. Most of them are pretty good at what they do – they are competent at a trade, skill, craft or they have a novel idea that can be monetized. In the early...