The Center of a Biblical Worldview of Christian Business Ownership

What is the center of a biblical worldview of business ownership? How should a Chrisitian business owner view the owner's role as a steward before God? This is how I define this center, in one sentence:

Christian business owners live with an eternal perspective derived from their covenantal relationship with God and is lived out through biblical stewardship.

There are several questions that can always be asked about a situation, decision, ethic, or some other element under consideration:

  • What is the eternal perspective in this situation?
  • What does the Bible command that I think, do, and believe in this situation?
  • If a certain decision is made, who is advantaged by that decision?
  • What temptations to sin exist in this situation?

To put a finer point on the core of biblical stewardship,that point is expressed in one sentence:

Biblical stewards purposefully disadvantage themselves to advantage the kingdom of God.

An obvious question ask in any business situation is this: Who is advantaged? The owner or God? If God is disadvantaged, then the proposed course of action is not to be taken.

Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business


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