Common Types of Ethical Decisions Christian Business Owners Face
This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.
Schwartz (2017:234-235) suggests there are different ethical situations that a business owner may face:
- Moral temptation: the owner can benefit or avoid loss. Moral temptations require moral willpower.
- Stand up for ethics: the owner will suffer if the correct ethical decision is made. Standing up for ethics requires moral courage.
- Ethical trade-offs: some will benefit while others suffer. Trade-off decisions require moral competence.
Applying the starting points for Christian ethics to common ethical decisions that a business owner faces could consume several books. The point of this section is to be illustrative rather than comprehensive. The following ethical situations will be presented with the following framework:
- Brief description of the problem
- Type of ethical situation
- Filter the details through the two great commands and the Ten Commandments
- Correct ethical decision
Bill English, Publisher
Bible and Business
Schwartz, M.S. 2017. Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach. West Sussex, UK: Wiley Blackwell