What Should Christian Business Owners Value?

This post is part of the Bible and Business series on Christian ethics for Christian Business Owners.

What values does the Bible prescribe for a Christian business owner to adopt and bake into his business? Happily, comparisons in the Bible teach us what to value. These values are presented as valuing one thing over another. The following table outlines that which all Christians - including Christian business owners - should value.

Value Biblical Citation Potential Core Value Names Opposite Core Value Names
Faith more than money 1 Peter 1:6-7 Faith in God Faithlessness Disloyalty  
God’s commands more than money Psalm 119:72; Proverbs 3:14, 8:10 Trust in God Doubt Distrust
God’s wisdom more than money Proverbs 16:16, James 1:5-8; Ecclesiastes 4:13 Wisdom Ignorance Thoughtlessness
God’s kingdom more than wealth Matthew 13:44-45 Eternal Perspective Transient Temporary
Hard work over empty boasting Proverbs 12:29; Diligence Sloth Laziness
Relationship with God over earthly relationships Matthew 10:37 Stewardship Carelessness Negligence
God’s praise over man’s praise John 12:43 Humility Pride Arrogance
Knowing Christ over achievement. Philippians 3:4-20 Stewardship Carelessness Negligence
Wisdom above all other desires Proverbs 8:11 Wisdom Ignorance Thoughtlessness
Obedience to God more than religious traditions 1 Samuel 15:22 Holiness Wickedness
Being with God more than doing anything else Psalm 84:10 Intimacy with God Enmity
Fear the Lord over great wealth Proverbs 15:16 Fear of the Lord Pride Arrogance
Poor with loving relationships than to be rich with much hatred and strife Proverbs 15:17 Honesty Integrity Authenticity Show proper respect rather than extravagant revelry.
Poor with peace and quiet over wealth with strife Proverbs 17:1; Ecclesiastes 4:6 Honest Peace Strife Discord
Good name/good reputation more than wealth Proverbs 22:1 Reputation Ill Repute
Walk blamelessly and yet be poor than to be wealthy with perverse ways Proverbs 28:6 Holiness Wickedness
Contentment with what one has more than discontentment with what one does not have Ecclesiastes 6:9 Contentment Discontentment
Being killed than causing a follower of God to sin Luke 17:2 Holiness Purity Wickedness Impurity
Trust in God rather than trusting in man Psalm 118:8-9 Trust in God Trust in Man Trust in Self
Patience over a display of strength; self-control over domineering others Proverbs 16:32; Ecclesiastes 9:16-18 Patience Self-Control Impatient Impulsive
Diminishing oneself in the presence of the powerful than  lifting up oneself in the presence of the powerful Proverbs 25:6-7 Humility Respect Pride Arrogance Disrespect
To not vow than to vow and not fulfil one’s vow Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 Reliable Prudent Unreliable Imprudent
Listen to the rebuke of a friend more than the praise of those who don’t know you. Ecclesiastes 7:5 Teachable Coachable Stubborn  
Show proper respect than extravagant revelry. Ecclesiastes 7:2 Respect Decorum Disrespect Rudeness Impropriety


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